دکتر سامان شجاع

دکتر سامان شجاع

Dr. Saman Shoja

عضو هیات علمی موسسه آموزش عالی الکترونیکی ایرانیان
مرتبه علمی: استادیار
گروه آموزشی: کامپیوتر



دکتر سامان شجاعی چایکار عضو هیئت علمی و استاد دانشکده کامپیوتر دانشگاه ایرانیان می‌باشد.

وی در حال حاضر در قالب فرصت مطالعاتی در دانشکده بین المللی فناوری و بازرگانی سیدنی نیز حضور دارد. علایق تحقیقاتی او شامل امنیت داده ها، امنیت وسایل نقلیه خودران، امنیت چند رسانه‌ای، رمزنگاری و یادگیری ماشینی می‌باشد. وی مدرک کارشناسی ارشد و دکتری خود را در زمینه امنیت اطلاعات از دانشگاه فناوری مالزی، در سال های ۲۰۱۰ و ۲۰۱۶ دریافت نموده است. ایشان در سال ۱۳۹۵ موفق به دریافت مدرک پسا دکتری از بنیاد ملی نخبگان ایران به میزبانی دانشگاه صنعتی طوسی گردید. همچنین در سال ۲۰۲۱، دومین دوره پسا دکتری خود را در دانشگاه مک کواری، سیدنی، استرالیا به پابان رسانده است.

  • دکتری، دانشگاه فناوری مالزی، علوم کامپیوتر (امنیت چند رسانه ای) ۲۰۱۱-۲۰۱۶
  • کارشناسی ارشد، دانشگاه فناوری مالزی، علوم کامپیوتر (رمزنگاری) ۲۰۰۸-۲۰۱۰
  • کارشناسی، دانشگاه آزاد، مهندسی نرم افزار ۱۳۸۲-۱۳۸۶

سوابق پژوهشی

Shojae Chaeikar S, Mirzaei Asl F, Yazdanpanah S, Zamani M, Abdul Manaf A, Khodadadi T, Secure CAPTCHA by Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Electronics, 2023: 12(19).

Tavakolifar R, Shahabi H, Alizadeh M, Bateni SM, Hashim M, Shirzadi A, Ariffin EH, Wolf ID, Shojae Chaeikar S, Spatial Prediction of Landslide using Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods: A Case Study, Saqqez-Marivan Mountain Road. Land, 2023: 12.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Jolfaei A, Mohammad N. AI-enabled cryptographic key management model for securing communications in the Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023: 24(4), 4589-4598.

Yazdanpanah S, Shojae Chaeikar S, Jolfaei A. Monitoring the security of audio biomedical signals communications in wearable IoT healthcare. Digital Communications and Networks, 2023: 9, 393-399.

Deng N, Li Y, Ma J, Shahabi H, De Oliveira G, Shojae Chaeikar S. A Comparative Study for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Grid Unit and Slope Unit. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022.

Karamizadeh S, Shojae Chaeikar S, Jolfaei A. Adult Content Image Recognition by Boltzmann Machine Limited and Deep Learning. Evolutionary Intelligence, 2022.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Ahmadi A, Karamizadeh S, Shoja Chaeikar N. SIKM – an intelligent cryptographic key management framework. Open Computer Science, 2022: 12(1), 17-26.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Tadayon M H, Jolfaei A, Alizadeh M. An intelligent cryptographic key management model for secure communications in distributed industrial intelligent systems. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2021: 37 (12), 10158-10171.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Yazdanpanah S, Shoja Chaeikar N. Secure SMS transmission based on social network messages. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. 2021: 11(2):176-92.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Manaf AA, Alarood AA, Zamani M. PFW: polygonal fuzzy weighted - an SVM kernel for the classification of overlapping data groups. Electronics. 2020: 9, 615.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Ahmadi A. Ensemble SW image steganalysis: a low dimension method for LSBR detection. Signal Processing: Image Communication. 2019:70: 233-245.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Zamani M, Manaf AB, Zeki AM. PSW statistical LSB image steganalysis. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2018:77(1):805-835.

Yazdanpanah S, Shojae Chaeikar S. Secure SMS Method Based on Social Networks. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 2016: 2(6): 368-376.

Alizadeh M, Hassan WH, Zamani M, Khodadadi T, Shojae Chaeikar S. A prospective study of mobile cloud computing. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2013;5(11):198-210.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Zamani M, Chukwuekezie CS, Alizadeh M. Electronic Voting Systems for European Union Countries. Journal of Next Generation Information Technology. 2013 Jul 1;4(5):16.

Mazdak Z, Azizah BA, Shahidan MA, Shojae Chaeikar S. Mazdak technique for PSNR estimation in audio steganography. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012:1(229): 2798-2803.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Jafari M, Taherdoost H, Kar NS. Definitions and criteria of CIA security triangle in electronic voting system. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology. 2012 Oct;1(1):14-24.

Yazdanpanah S, Shojae Chaeikar S. IKM-based Security Usability Enhancement Model. IRACST-International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS). 2012 Aug(4).

Taherdoost H, Sahibuddin S, Namayandeh M, Jalaliyoon N, Kalantari A, Shojae Chaeikar S. Smart card adoption model: Social and ethical perspectives. Science. 2012 Aug;3(4).

Zamani M, Abdul Manaf AB, Zeidanloo HR, Shojae Chaeikar S. Genetic substitution-based audio steganography for high capacity applications. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. 2011 Jan 1;3(1):97-110.

Zeidanloo HR, Manaf AB, Ahmad RB, Zamani M, Shojae Chaeikar S. A proposed framework for P2P Botnet detection. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2010 Apr 1;2(2):161.

Manaf AB, Zamani M, Ahmad RB, Jaryani F, Taherdoost H, Shojae Chaeikar S, Zeidanloo HR. Genetic Audio Steganography. International J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology. 2010 May;3(2).

Zamani M, Manaf AA, Ahmad R, Jaryani F, Taherdoost H, Shojae Chaeikar S, Zeidanloo HR. A novel approach for genetic audio watermarking. Journal of Information Assurance and Security. 2010;5:102-11.


Shojae Chaeikar, S., Manaf, A. B. A., & Zamani, M. (2012). Comparative analysis of Master-key and Interpretative Key Management (IKM) frameworks. Cryptography and security in computing, ۲۰۳.

    1. مدرس ارشد دانشکده بین المللی فناوری و بازرگانی، سیدنی، استرالیا، ۲۰۲۳-تاکنون
    2. واحدهای تدریس شده: امنیت سایبری، مبانی امنیت سایبری، هک اخلاقی، پزشکی قانونی دیجیتال
    3. مدرس حق التدریس، دانشگاه موناش، ملبورن، استرالیا ۲۰۲۱-تاکنون
    4.  واحدهای تدریس شده: امنیت اطلاعات و کامپیوتر، مبانی هوش مصنوعی، نرم افزار و امنیت شبکه، برنامه نویسی جاوا
    5. مدرس ارشد موسسه آموزش عالی استرالیا، سیدنی، استرالیا، ۲۰۲۲-۲۰۲۳
    6. واحدهای تدریس شده: امنیت سیستم های اطلاعات، ملزومات شبکه سازی سیستم های اطلاعاتی، پزشکی قانونی دیجیتال، سیستم های سازمانی
    7. مدرس حق التدریس، دانشگاه مک کواری، سیدنی استرالیا، ۲۰۲۱-۲۰۲۱
    8. واحدهای تدریس شده: حریم خصوصی داده ها و امنیت اطلاعات
    9. مدرس، دانشگاه الکترونیکی ایرانیان، تهران، ایران، ۲۰۱۶-۲۰۲۱
    10. واحدهای تدریس شده: مبانی محاسبات امن، امنیت تجارت الکترونیک، سمینار، آموزش، پروژه تخصصی و پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد (استاد راهنما)
    11. مدرس، دانشگاه آزاد، تهران، ایران، ۲۰۰۸-۲۰۲۰
    12. واحدهای تدریس شده : برنامه نویسی کامپیوتر، کاربرد کامپیوتر در مدیریت آموزشی، کامپیوتر و کاربرد آن در مدیریت، آزمایشگاه پایگاه داده، آزمایشگاه سیستم عامل، استاد راهنما پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد،
    13. دستیار آموزشی، دانشگاه فناوری مالزی، کوالالامپور، مالزی، ۲۰۱۳-۲۰۱۵
    14. واحدهای تدریس شده: سرمایه‌گذاری تضمین اطلاعات، معماری و مدل های امنیتی

فاقد اطلاعات

Associate Supervisor

[۱]   Associate Supervisor at Macquarie University, Oct 2021 – Feb 2022


Principal Supervisor

[۱]   Abbas Mirzaei, (graduation: Sep 2017). Identifying potentials of bank customers using systematic data mining. IAU University.

[۲]   Maryam Heidary, (graduation: Sep2017). Classifying Twitter's Persian tweets using support vector machines and optimized genetic algorithms. IAU University.

[۳]   Ali Mir Kalantar, (graduation: Jan 2018). Image Watermarking with Pixel Recovery based on Reversible Cellular Automata. IAU University.

[۴]   Anna Ezzati, (2017). Securing medical information using key management protocol in wireless body networks. IAU University.

[۵]   Aram Ghalavand, (2017). Enhancing privacy protection knowledge of social network users. IAU University.

[۶]   Nazila Baghalzadeh, (2017). Optimizing security of RSA key exchange among new nodes in Internet of Things. IAU University.

[۷]   Jalal Khodabandeloo, (Sep. 2019). Discovering cloud DDOS attacks based on Binomial distribution alerts quality control diagram. IAU University.

[۸]   Behruz Pedramipour, (2021). Speech steganalysis based on the ratio of identical signals of sliding window in audio channels. IU University.

[۹]   Mohammad Motamedi, (2021). Identifying effective factors on customer trust in e-commerce and proposing an optimum model using data mining. IAU University.

[۱۰]           Arezoo Begmohammadi, (2021). Identification, analysis and ranking of factors influencing the design of a secure information technology portfolio based on the ISMS standard using the MADM-AHP method in Iranian organizations. IU University.



[۱]   Soraya Heidari, using RSC method for face recognition based on a single sample photo, 23 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۲]   Mosayeb Garavand, preventing distributed denial of service attacks in cloud using software defined networks, 23 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۳]   Ataollah Beiranvand, detecting driver drowsiness based on facial expressions on the road, 23 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۴]   Fereshteh Ghaed Rahmati, analyzing accuracy of fingerprint recognition techniques by extracted common characteristics and neural networks, 24 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۵]   Zahra Ahmadi, viral marketing in online social networks, 24 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۶]   Mojtaba Azizi, detecting depression probability by data mining and deep learning, 25 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۷]   Farzad Asadiani Fard, optimizing efficiency of mobile augmented reality (MAR) devices through network data transmission management, 25 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۸]   Fatemeh Arabgol, DGA Botnet Detection based on machine learning techniques using DNS Query, Mar 2019. IU University.

[۹]   Mohammad Tahernia, evaluation of implementing MPLS with label switching in software-defined networks, Mar 2019. IU University.

[۱۰]   Negin Sadat Nourbakhsh, Android Mobile Device Forensics for Digital Legal Evidences Gathering, Aug 2019. IU University.

  • جایزه تجلیل از تدریس، دانشگاه موناش، واحد "امنیت اطلاعات و کامپیوتر"، ۲۰۲۳
  • پژوهشگر امنیت سایبری، دانشگاه مک کواری، سیدنی، استرالیا، ۲۰۲۱-۲۰۲۱.
  • پژوهشگر فوق دکتری امنیت سایبری، دانشگاه صنعتی خواجه نصیرالدین طوسی، تهران، ایران، ۲۰۱۷-۲۰۱۸.
  • اولین جایزه نفر دوم، کارگاه بین المللی در زمینه پلیس و اجرای قانون مبتنی بر هوش مصنوعی، کنفرانس IEEE EDOC، ۲۵ تا ۲۶ اکتبر ۲۰۲۱.
  • ساحل طلایی، استرالیا. جایزه بهترین ارائه، دهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدل سازی و شبیه سازی کامپیوتری، ۸ تا ۱۰ ژانویه ۲۰۱۸، سیدنی، استرالیا.


Dr. Saman Shojae Chaeikar is a member of the faculty and a professor of the Computer Faculty of Iranian University in Iran.

He is currently a senior lecturer at Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce. His research interests include data security, security of autonomous vehicles, multimedia security, cryptography, and machine learning. He received Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in information security from the University of Technology Malaysia, in 2010 and 2016, respectively. In 2017, he received a postdoctoral fellowship at Iran’s National Elites Foundation hosted at Toosi University of Technology. In 2021, he did his second postdoctoral fellowship at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

PhD - University of Technology Malaysia, Computer Science (multimedia security), QS Ranking 2016: 288 -  Mar 2011 – Apr 2016

Master - University of Technology Malaysia , Computer Science (cryptography) - Dec 2008 – Apr 2010

Bachelor - Azad University, Software Engineering - Feb 2004 – May 2007


Shojae Chaeikar S, Mirzaei Asl F, Yazdanpanah S, Zamani M, Abdul Manaf A, Khodadadi T, Secure CAPTCHA by Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Electronics, 2023: 12(19).

Tavakolifar R, Shahabi H, Alizadeh M, Bateni SM, Hashim M, Shirzadi A, Ariffin EH, Wolf ID, Shojae Chaeikar S, Spatial Prediction of Landslide using Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods: A Case Study, Saqqez-Marivan Mountain Road. Land, 2023: 12.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Jolfaei A, Mohammad N. AI-enabled cryptographic key management model for securing communications in the Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023: 24(4), 4589-4598.

Yazdanpanah S, Shojae Chaeikar S, Jolfaei A. Monitoring the security of audio biomedical signals communications in wearable IoT healthcare. Digital Communications and Networks, 2023: 9, 393-399.

Deng N, Li Y, Ma J, Shahabi H, De Oliveira G, Shojae Chaeikar S. A Comparative Study for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Grid Unit and Slope Unit. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022.

Karamizadeh S, Shojae Chaeikar S, Jolfaei A. Adult Content Image Recognition by Boltzmann Machine Limited and Deep Learning. Evolutionary Intelligence, 2022.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Ahmadi A, Karamizadeh S, Shoja Chaeikar N. SIKM – an intelligent cryptographic key management framework. Open Computer Science, 2022: 12(1), 17-26.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Tadayon M H, Jolfaei A, Alizadeh M. An intelligent cryptographic key management model for secure communications in distributed industrial intelligent systems. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2021: 37 (12), 10158-10171.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Yazdanpanah S, Shoja Chaeikar N. Secure SMS transmission based on social network messages. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. 2021: 11(2):176-92.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Manaf AA, Alarood AA, Zamani M. PFW: polygonal fuzzy weighted - an SVM kernel for the classification of overlapping data groups. Electronics. 2020: 9, 615.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Ahmadi A. Ensemble SW image steganalysis: a low dimension method for LSBR detection. Signal Processing: Image Communication. 2019:70: 233-245.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Zamani M, Manaf AB, Zeki AM. PSW statistical LSB image steganalysis. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2018:77(1):805-835.

Yazdanpanah S, Shojae Chaeikar S. Secure SMS Method Based on Social Networks. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 2016: 2(6): 368-376.

Alizadeh M, Hassan WH, Zamani M, Khodadadi T, Shojae Chaeikar S. A prospective study of mobile cloud computing. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2013;5(11):198-210.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Zamani M, Chukwuekezie CS, Alizadeh M. Electronic Voting Systems for European Union Countries. Journal of Next Generation Information Technology. 2013 Jul 1;4(5):16.

Mazdak Z, Azizah BA, Shahidan MA, Shojae Chaeikar S. Mazdak technique for PSNR estimation in audio steganography. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012:1(229): 2798-2803.

Shojae Chaeikar S, Jafari M, Taherdoost H, Kar NS. Definitions and criteria of CIA security triangle in electronic voting system. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology. 2012 Oct;1(1):14-24.

Yazdanpanah S, Shojae Chaeikar S. IKM-based Security Usability Enhancement Model. IRACST-International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS). 2012 Aug(4).

Taherdoost H, Sahibuddin S, Namayandeh M, Jalaliyoon N, Kalantari A, Shojae Chaeikar S. Smart card adoption model: Social and ethical perspectives. Science. 2012 Aug;3(4).

Zamani M, Abdul Manaf AB, Zeidanloo HR, Shojae Chaeikar S. Genetic substitution-based audio steganography for high capacity applications. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. 2011 Jan 1;3(1):97-110.

Zeidanloo HR, Manaf AB, Ahmad RB, Zamani M, Shojae Chaeikar S. A proposed framework for P2P Botnet detection. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2010 Apr 1;2(2):161.

Manaf AB, Zamani M, Ahmad RB, Jaryani F, Taherdoost H, Shojae Chaeikar S, Zeidanloo HR. Genetic Audio Steganography. International J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology. 2010 May;3(2).

Zamani M, Manaf AA, Ahmad R, Jaryani F, Taherdoost H, Shojae Chaeikar S, Zeidanloo HR. A novel approach for genetic audio watermarking. Journal of Information Assurance and Security. 2010;5:102-11.


Shojae Chaeikar, S., Manaf, A. B. A., & Zamani, M. (2012). Comparative analysis of Master-key and Interpretative Key Management (IKM) frameworks. Cryptography and security in computing, ۲۰۳.






Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce

Senior lecturer


Casual academic

Nov 2023 – present

March 2023 – Nov 2023

Taught units: cybersecurity, fundamentals of cybersecurity, Ethical hacking, digital forensics

Monash University

Melbourne, Australia

Sessional academic


May 2021 – present

Taught units: information and computer security, fundamentals of artificial intelligence, software and network security, Java programming

Australian Institute of Higher Education

Sydney, Australia

Senior lecturer

Aug 2022 – Nov 2023

Taught units: information systems Security, information systems networking essentials, digital forensics, enterprise systems

Macquarie University

Sydney, Australia

Sessional academic

July 2021 – Nov 2021

Taught units: data privacy and information security

Iranians University

Tehran, Iran



Sep 2016 – Feb 2021

Taught units: fundamentals of secure computing, e-commerce security, seminar, training, project of expertise, and master thesis (supervisor)

Azad University

Tehran, Iran


Feb 2008 – Sep 2020

Master thesis supervisor,
  Sep 2016 – Sep 2020

Taught units: computer programming, application of computer in training management, computer and its application in management,

  Sep 2010 – Jan 2011

Taught units: database lab, OS Lab,
Feb 2008 – June 2008

University of Technology Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Teaching assistant

Feb 2013 – Feb 2015

Teaching Assistant; taught units: enterprise information assurance, and security architecture and models

Leadership and Management



Australian Institute of Higher Education

Sydney, Australia

Scholarship Committee Member

July 2023 – Nov 2023

Iranians University

Tehran, Iran

Head of Scholarship Committee

Sep 2018 – Nov 2020

TeacherBird Ivs

Copenhagen, Denmark

Company Director (e-learning industry)

Jul 2015 – Mar 2017

Associate Supervisor

[۱]   Associate Supervisor at Macquarie University, Oct 2021 – Feb 2022


Principal Supervisor

[۱]   Abbas Mirzaei, (graduation: Sep 2017). Identifying potentials of bank customers using systematic data mining. IAU University.

[۲]   Maryam Heidary, (graduation: Sep2017). Classifying Twitter's Persian tweets using support vector machines and optimized genetic algorithms. IAU University.

[۳]   Ali Mir Kalantar, (graduation: Jan 2018). Image Watermarking with Pixel Recovery based on Reversible Cellular Automata. IAU University.

[۴]   Anna Ezzati, (2017). Securing medical information using key management protocol in wireless body networks. IAU University.

[۵]   Aram Ghalavand, (2017). Enhancing privacy protection knowledge of social network users. IAU University.

[۶]   Nazila Baghalzadeh, (2017). Optimizing security of RSA key exchange among new nodes in Internet of Things. IAU University.

[۷]   Jalal Khodabandeloo, (Sep. 2019). Discovering cloud DDOS attacks based on Binomial distribution alerts quality control diagram. IAU University.

[۸]   Behruz Pedramipour, (2021). Speech steganalysis based on the ratio of identical signals of sliding window in audio channels. IU University.

[۹]   Mohammad Motamedi, (2021). Identifying effective factors on customer trust in e-commerce and proposing an optimum model using data mining. IAU University.

[۱۰]           Arezoo Begmohammadi, (2021). Identification, analysis and ranking of factors influencing the design of a secure information technology portfolio based on the ISMS standard using the MADM-AHP method in Iranian organizations. IU University.



[۱]   Soraya Heidari, using RSC method for face recognition based on a single sample photo, 23 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۲]   Mosayeb Garavand, preventing distributed denial of service attacks in cloud using software defined networks, 23 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۳]   Ataollah Beiranvand, detecting driver drowsiness based on facial expressions on the road, 23 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۴]   Fereshteh Ghaed Rahmati, analyzing accuracy of fingerprint recognition techniques by extracted common characteristics and neural networks, 24 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۵]   Zahra Ahmadi, viral marketing in online social networks, 24 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۶]   Mojtaba Azizi, detecting depression probability by data mining and deep learning, 25 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۷]   Farzad Asadiani Fard, optimizing efficiency of mobile augmented reality (MAR) devices through network data transmission management, 25 Aug 2018, IAU University.

[۸]   Fatemeh Arabgol, DGA Botnet Detection based on machine learning techniques using DNS Query, Mar 2019. IU University.

[۹]   Mohammad Tahernia, evaluation of implementing MPLS with label switching in software-defined networks, Mar 2019. IU University.

[۱۰]   Negin Sadat Nourbakhsh, Android Mobile Device Forensics for Digital Legal Evidences Gathering, Aug 2019. IU University.

Awards, Prizes and Fellowships

Teaching Recognition Award

QS Ranking 2023: 42

Monash University

June 2023

Teaching “Information and Computer Security” unit

Research fellow

QS Ranking 2021: 214

Macquarie University

May 2021 – Nov 2021

Cybersecurity researcher

Postdoctoral research fellow

K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran

Apr 2017 – Apr 2018

Cybersecurity researcher

۱st Runner Up Award, International Workshop on AI-Enabled Policing and Law Enforcement, IEEE EDOC conference, October 25th -26th 2021, Gold Coast, Australia.

Best presentation award, the 10th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, January 8th-10th 2018, Sydney, Australia.